Thursday, 11 June 2015

If you like my art

Then I've got some great news for you, I guess. Because I opened an art shop! Something I've been wanting to do for literally ages, but for some reason it always kind of scared me somehow. A big thank you to my impulsive thoughts I get sometimes, because they made me do it.

So, yes. After years and years I finally decided to try a little bit harder to sell art. Which is also harder than I thought it would, but alrighty. The last year people seem to get more interest in my art, and so I thought it'd be a great idea to make some post card to sell.

And that's what I did. I picked 5 drawings out of my sketchbook, scanned them, and sent them to a shop that makes prints. Oh, oh, oh. The result.. Aaaah! Even though it's my own artwork, can I say that I find them so so so incredibly cool?

They look liiiiike, this.

If you want to buy them, click HERE to go to the shop! I only sell sets on there, but if you really want to buy one or more separately then just contact me and we can sort that out! Oh, and.. If you are planning on buying one or more, it really does means the world to me. Cause art is what I do and all I ever want to do, and when someone actually wants to buy something, it's the greatest support you can get if you ask me. Even though I wanna cry by every compliment I get, but alright.

And to be honest, things like this kind of scare me.  So, please let me know what you think of them. Do you like them, or nah? Is there anything else you are possible interested in? Again, let me know!



  1. Whoa, love 'em! Maybe a pre, pre, moving out gift from myself to myself!? (Read: I probably won't move out this year... Or next year... Probably in like 1.5 years.)
    x I

    1. That would mean so much to me, thank you love!

  2. Hoi Kim! Ziet er goed uit :) Ik kwam hier trouwens via de blog van Annelies (oohlala) ! Ik teken ook (dieren) en zit ook te denken om prints e.d. te maken. Mag ik vragen waar jij je kaarten hebt laten printen? En heb je ook een website? Ben wel benieuwd wat je nog meer maakt!

    Iris Helene

  3. Wow I love your work! I just found your blog, and you are awesome! Can't wait to see more :)


    1. Aaaw that's so great to hear, thank you so much!

  4. Kim wat enorm gaaf zeg! Ze zien er zo goed uit! Ik wil al langer en tictailwebshop gaan beginnen, maar ik heb geen idee hoe ik het moet aanpakken...
    Waar heb je je kaarten laten drukken (en hoeveel was je ervoor kwijt)? De kwaliteit ziet er echt prachtig uit! Heel veel succes met verkopen, gaat vast wel goed komen! X
