When you get an email basically saying that school is planning a trip to New York and they ask if you'd like to go, what do you expect me to say..? And just like that, I went. Staying in an apartment in Brooklyn, trying to visit as lot as museums possible, times squares.. Do I need to say more?
Weirdly to say, I didn't take as much pictures as I planned to. Why? First, your eyes are still a better way to look at things instead of looking through a camera lens in my opinion. Second, I'm from a small town where it's more likely to get run over by a group of sheep then a car, if I'm being honest. So trying to take pictures while walking wasn't going that great.. Beside that, I can't even look behind me while tripping over cause what is balance..
But, that doesn't mean I didn't take pictures. I mean, you can't send me to New York and let me come back having no pictures to show, huh? And maybe that's what I am gonna do, just show the pictures.
Writing a caption underneath every picture would be simple pointless as they're all gonna say something around the lines "THIS WAS SO COOL- followed by an exact description of the picture which you can see al clear by yourself", so no need for that.
Just watch. (It's pretty cool, as I said)
And of course I visited a lot of museums. MOMA, The Met, Natural History museum, Whitney.. I don't think I've seen this much of different kinds of art in the amount of time I did. Starry night by Van Gogh, The persistence of memory by DalĂ, but also almost every animal that has ever lived on this planet, a man the size of three human beings that turned out to be a candle (!!!!????), and I could go on an on about it.
So- again, why keep writing about it when I can just show you?
As I said, pretty cool huh? I still don't really feel like I've actually been in New York. It sounds so far away, and it is- plus sitting for 9 hours on a plane isn't my favourite thing in the world, not to mention I've never been on a flight before.. And a small detail: I closed my eyes as the plane was taking off and I thought it just felt like a bus that was going really fast. As I have to take a bus to school everyday that drives a bit over a highway and I kind of tend to fall asleep every morning, I now get a feeling my bus is taking off into the sky every morning. How nice.
AND NOT TO MENTION THE JETLAG. It's not that I've never had a jetlag feeling before. Not because I traveled to somewhere far away but simply because I screw up my sleeping pattern every summer break so bad I basically have a jetlag. What a shame. But gosh, that wasn't very nice. I also get very emotional when I'm tired. So on the first day I literally sat on the stairs in front of a little art gallery in SOHO crying my eyes out.
But I had a very lovely time. Staying in a appartement in Brooklyn (with like 30 people) and eating cinnamon and raisin bagels every morning. The small things like the fact that they pack your bag for you when you get groceries, or how they put napkins and a little straw in the bag when you buy something to eat and drink. How me and my friend ate grapes sitting on a doorstep somewhere in Queens. Drinking a smoothie in Central Park.
And not to forget: A security guard smiling overexcited at me when I entered the rooftop of the Whitney museum. When I was about to go back in again he said: "You know what I'm thinking? Mary-Jane from Spiderman" while he imitated Spiderman. Yeh..
Just everything.
Ah wat tof, ik wil ook echt nog een keer naar NY
ReplyDeleteThis was so lovely to read, I love hearing about the little things like drinking smoothies or eating grapes on some steps. I think little moments like that are so wonderful. Your photos are amazing too - NY looks like such an exciting city.
Thank you so much!
Deleteecht super tof dat je daar bent geweest!
ReplyDeleteEn wat een prachtige foto's ook. Ik heb ook
nog nooit een jetlag gehad, geen idee hoe dat voelt.
achja nu heb jij het toch eens meegemaakt haha :)
Haha ik vond de jetlag zooo naar! Sowieso het tijdverschil in het algemeen, als je om 7 uur 's ochtend wakker werd had je eigenlijk uitgeslapen. En dan vroeg iemand uit nederland wat ik allemaal al gedaan had die dag, en dan was het; "euh ik ben net wakker".. :')
DeleteAh wat gaaf! New York, daar wil ik ook echt 'ns heen! Dat museum ziet er trouwens ook echt geweldig uit!
ReplyDeletegeweldig! dat
ReplyDeletegeweldig! dat
ReplyDeletegeweldig! dat je school dat gewoon even naartoe gaat.
ReplyDeletegeweldig! dat je school dat gewoon even naartoe gaat.
ReplyDeleteJa echt he! Ze gaan elke twee jaar dacht ik maar hoorde er iets over dat ze waarschijnlijk volgend ook gewoon weer gaan. :')
Deleteawww je schrijft zo leuk Kim !! en mooie foto's! ✿
ReplyDeleteAhh dit is echt geweldig! Wat zou ik graag ook al die mooie musea bezoeken. Klinkt alsof je het onwijs leuk hebt gehad. En ik ben het met je eens, soms moet je gewoon kijken, en niet per se fotograferen. Nog bedankt voor je ontzettend lieve reactie op mijn blog <3