Saturday 7 March 2015

My 3am thought are my best thoughts

It is 3:00 am and I can't decide if this makes me a morning- or a night person. Well, I googled it, if I stay up till 5:00 am I'll be a morning and night person at the same time. Amazing. Alright, what I truly find amazing is how creative my brain is at this point. And creativity needs to be shared, am I right?

Well. No matter how many times I wish I was a little bit more a morning kind of person, I am not. Not even close. I am the kind of person that stays up till 3:00 am (longer without even trying, whoops) and then sleeps till 1:00 pm. And I don't caaaaare, I love it.

Right now, it is one of those moments too. 3:00 AM. Sitting in my room. Raining outside. Listening to some of my favourite vinyls. Drawing. Everything I want, except a catg But my dad is allergic so I just have to accept the fact that it's not gonna happen as long as I still live here. Bwah.

Oh, can we all appreciate the fact that Ed his vinyl of '+' is orange. I repeat, orange. Let that sink in. Thank you.  Well, back to the topic I wanted to write about, even though I honestly have no clue what that could be. But pretty sure you don't want to read a blog post about how orange Ed Sheeran his vinyl is.

So yes, it  is late and I am enjoying some of the things I enjoy the most. This may or may not sound weird, because basically all I do is drawing. But, I do not like pencil. At all. I don't know. It just smudges way too fast and for me contrast is way easier to add with ink.

And even though I don't like pencil, I wanna be able to make drawings with pencil too instead of just pens. So that's when I decided to draw these butterflies. I enjoyed it more than I expected. So, yay. That's a good thing, isn't it?

So, I finished the butterflies. And the skull as well. I casually continued with the skull drawing after I finished the three butterflies while I kind of heard some birds outside waking up already. Whoops.. And I don't know if you can, but the skull has a lot of detail. Which takes a lot of time...

I don't even like skulls in general, but I do like the contrast of the butterflies and the skull next to each other. There is this line from a song- "you're alive, at least as far as I can tell you are", and it has been stuck in my head for literally ages. And I found out, the way to get something out of your head is to put it in a drawing.

And it worked. Now I need to get some sleep. Or I will stop working.

Good night- or good morning. Or afternoon,


  1. Your drawings are amazing, Kim <3

    1. Thank you lovely! We need to meet up really soon!

  2. lovely! and ed is an absolute genius
